sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

'Deep throat' on Jardim benefitting from Madeira Offshore

In one of the last Parliamentary sessions of July, José Manuel Coelho, MP for the Labour Party, read out an anonymous letter signed 'Deep Throat', whose author claimed Jardim benefits from the Madeira Tax Free Zone. In 1984, a thirty year concession to run the Zone was given to the Pestana group, which gets the lion's share of the proceeds, 70%, leaving the remainder 30% to the Government. Deep Throat claims Jardim and Luís Miguel de Sousa (Pestana's partner in the Madeira Brewery  and a cousin of the Sousas who were granted the ports monopoly) are in on the deal, through a Luxemburg based offshore company linked to Pestana.

As Coelho read the letter the PSD MPs who invariably heckle and interrupt his interventions, listened in stunned silence. No one uttered a word.

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