sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

Whale Museum Cost 730% more than initial budget

The museum construction was adjudicated in 2004 to the builders AFA and Arlindo Correia e Filhos, for the sum of 1.6 million Euros. The follow year, the budget had risen to 2.083 million. After several delays, the costs, according to the PIDDAR 2010, were set at 10,083 million. The costs climbed even higher with the inclusion of equipment which should have been covered by the original tender.

The Museum was finally inaugurated just prior to the October 2011 regional elections. Immediately after the elections, the Government passed a resolution to pay compensation to the builder, to the tune of 621.350 Euros. The total cost of the project is now 11.723 million Euro: seven times the initial cost. The EU contributed circa 1 million towards the project. AFA is the company that tops the public works contracts in the region and is also the builder that has been directly contracted to do most of the 20th of February reconstruction works, without public tenders.

Source: Publico

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